A payday loan is that short term loan which helps to cover emergency expenses until your next payday. It is now possible to apply for the loan online and the decision of loaning will be taken straight away. The application may be completed online while the money reaches the bank directly. Payday loans are unsecured loans where no collateral is needed. When applying for this loan, you may borrow something around 300 pounds or so. If you apply for less amount, you will gain faster approval. So, it is recommended that you just borrow the amount which is needed. After you have repaid the loan that you borrowed from one company, then you may be offered something more than 500 pounds. Payday loan can help you in meeting short term cash needs.
Even the ones with bad credit may apply for the loan
Now there is no need to worry if you are on bad credit. To be eligible for the payday loan, you need be 18 years old and there must be a stable source of income. An income of more than 1000 pounds is mandatory. Apart from this, you must have opened a bank account somewhere and should have a valid debit card. If you fulfil all the mentioned criteria, you can apply for the loan despite the bad credit history.
The method of applying is easy
Payday loans are available online where there is no need to fax or post the documents. The application procedure is extremely fast here. You have to enter the details like name, address, employment status, monthly income, the date of next payday and stuffs like that. After the application is submitted, you will be hearing from the loan provider within a few hours. You will get an email stating whether the loan is approved or not.
Loan approval is dependent on the income
The payday loan provider will base his decision of giving the loan on the basis of your income. Indeed, the loan amount will be decided in that manner. If you borrow less money, the approval will come faster and the interest amount will also be less. In the email, you will get the agreement that must be read. Everything will be mentioned in the agreement like the repayment date, the loan amount, the interest to be paid. Loan condition must be read clearly. It will be outlining your rights under Consumer Credit Act. If you are happy with the terms and conditions, you can move forward. The money will reach your bank on the same day and so the process is fast and efficient.
How to repay?
The details on loan repayment will be stated on the agreement along with the date and the amount. This amount will combine the principle amount and the interest. Usually the repayment date will be the date of payday.
Payday loans offer a series of benefits to the borrower. It is fast, simple and the ones with poor credit score can also go for this. The money may be used in whichever way you want. There is no need to disclose the reason for taking the loan. No upfront cost has to be borne.