When we hear about pre- employment tests, though there are various benefits of using it as a screening and selection mechanism, yet we come through number of issues too that are attached to it. Various queries about its reliability, validity, implementation and accuracy arise now and then. Before answering any further questions, let us know what these tests are.
What is Pre-Employment Test?
Pre- employment tests are a variety of tests that are used for screening job application. There are a list of tests for analyzing different abilities and skills. These tests are generally used to test the work related skills and knowledge, physical abilities, cognitive and motor abilities, emotional stability and intelligence, proficiency in language, etc. These tests help employers to predict the success of employees in the open positions and to reject or screen out those who get unqualified.
Why and where are they used?
When thousands of applications come for a few openings employers and HR managers get stuck and don’t know how to move ahead. These tests help to clear their path by screening out the candidates who are not fit for the job through these tests. They save time and cost in the selection process. They also reduce turnover of employees by selecting the most able employees who will be able to meet the job requirements and will be to adjust in the company’s environment and adopt the culture.
These tests can be used in all sorts of job openings like and by all different types of organizations. There are tailored tests that fit in for every different need like Managers Personality Test, Teaching Aptitude Test, Application Developer Tests, etc.
Issues with Pre-employment tests
- Validity – There is a big question on the validity of these tests. As these tests are used to measure the specific criteria’s and also to predict the success of the employees in future. Employers using these tests must use tests and hire test providers, who are able to demonstrate that these tests select those who will perform well and those who are being rejected will be performing poorly on the job.
- Reliability –These tests must be consistent with its results, i.e., a test is reliable only when the individual giving the test gets the same score each time he gives the test, the only variation accepted is on the basis of effect of practice that can’t be too wide in consecutive tests taken.
- These must not violate any federal, state or local laws of Equal Employment Opportunity. These tests must be valid and must be fulfilling the norms of all laws related to employment in the country or state where the firm is working.
Tips to Use the Pre-Employment Tests
- Choose the tests that are valid and reliable. Check there validity and reliability through experiments.
- Ensure that all norms of laws are being met.
- When purchasing tests, make sure the providing companies are trust worthy and do a thorough research.
- Make sure the questions asked are not overly personal or offensive.
Employers if take care of these issues and tips they can take help of such tests to hire high-quality employees. The tests like app developer tests, knowledge and skill tests, teaching aptitude test, etc. are getting famous in among all different types of organizations like MNC’s, IT firms, schools or university, FMCG’s, etc.